Gloria and I are spending a couple of days in Pittsburgh. I was born in Pittsburgh on February 4, 1940. When I was 3 years old we moved to Pueblo, Colorado due to a job assignment of  my father. We moved back to Pittsburgh in 1949 when I was 9 years old. I lived here until 1955 when we moved to the San Diego area. We have a lot of roots in Pittsburgh but not many ties. Most of my relatives have passed away and I have no contact with their descendents. I do have a stepsister, Carolyn with whom I communicate occasionaly. On this trip we are going to try to make contact with her, her ex-husband Glenn Burger and possibly their daughter Beth. We are also going to try to visit my father's and my grandparents graves. I am going to try to assemble some fotos as I go so anyone who wishes can follow our trip. I hope you enjoy it.

First Day in Pittsburgh, Sept 17, 2004
Second Day, Sept 18, 2004
Third Day, Sept, 19, 2004